Emperor Penguins

This is my latest drawing release, titled “Under My Feet” which is available for sale online as fine art prints and greeting cards.

Emperor Penguins are an icon of the Antarctic and one of the most inspiring creatures in the world. I was inspired to create this drawing because of their beauty and serenity.

They are the largest penguin species at over 1 metre tall. They are very loyal and devoted, usually staying with the same partner for life and work together to keep their young fed and safe.

These amazing creatures can survive in one of the harshest environments on the planet, with temperatures as low as -60°C and winds of over 200 km/h. They work together to keep warm by huddling in large groups, shuffling round so each gets a turn in the warm centre.

They are a bit ungainly out of water but once in the water they are the most agile and amazing swimmers.

Emperor penguins are facing many threats to their survival.

Their colonies and breeding grounds are on the sea ice, which is reducing due to climate change. This is a major problem for their habitats.

They also rely on the fish supplies and these are also diminishing due to overfishing.

Their population has declined dramatically in some areas.

Emperor penguins are a testament to the power of resilience, adaptation, and teamwork - qualities that serve as an inspiration to us all.

You can help to support protection work by the World Wildlife Fund by adopting a penguin.

Ian Harrison Art